The Magic In BEing YOU

One of the most challenging and life enhancing lessons I’ve learned is:

I am enough.
I am worthy.
I am loved. 

I didn't always feel that way.

And honestly, it's an ongoing lesson. One that is helpful for me to keep learning at deeper and deeper levels.

I believe the not feeling that way was a combination both of an upbringing with parents who did their best but didn't have a lot of emotional intelligence or maturity, and being born into a culture where thinking too much of oneself made you arrogant and making mistakes made you stupid.

And I learned very early that it was not good to be either - arrogant or stupid!

I worked really hard to show how smart I was. How capable I could be. But it never felt like it was actually enough.

I learned to be incredibly independent - and even when I felt alone or overwhelmed, it was soooo hard to ask for help

!I also developed a strong sense of humility. So much so that I never wanted to stand out. I got embarrassed if anyone noticed me. I shrugged off compliments (though if I'm honest, my heart would sing a little before I shut it down with negative self talk).But that all changed. 


There wasn't a single moment. It's been a change more like a river has on a landscape. Little by little, the currents of my thoughts have created new channels of belief. My intentions have carried me into an ocean of new possibilities. The practices of self-care, reflection, and embodied spirituality have held me up through some dark nights of the soul.

And there are still the eddies of old patterns that I can get stuck in sometimes. But also a lot more "paddling" skill for getting back into the current where things flow. 

There is fast moving water, even rapids where I feel I might get swept away or thrown overboard. But also a deep trust that if I simply keep my seat, and keep on paddling, everything is going in exactly the right direction.

It's a special kind of magic, the magic of being me. And I have come to deeply value that. To find joy in my uniqueness. And to cherish the time I have to do what I'm here to do.

And my passion is to help you to find that special magic for yourself too.

Whether it's through Soul-based Coaching - where you find the magic metaphors that help you to better understand yourself and to make the changes you want.

Or it is in The Sanctuary. Where our next term will guide you to discover The Magic In Being YOU.

Want to learn more? Schedule a time for us to chat. I'd love to hear more about you and what you are wanting  in your life. And I promise, whether you see it our not, I do see the magic in who you are!



Labors of Love


Reflections on Human Design